WHAT ARE CHEAT MEALS? A cheat meal is often used in reference to a diet plan where someone allows themselves to indulge in unhealthy foods or drinks for a meal or day as a break from their strict eating regimen. The idea is that taking a time off from the strict diet will help prevent boredom, increase motivation, and make it easier to stick to the plan in the long run. However, the concept of cheat meals has been criticized as promoting a toxic mindset towards food and dieting. It suggests that the thing you are doing, the diet plan, is something you don't want to do and need to cheat on. This can lead to feelings of guilt, pressure, and stress when it comes to eating, which can ultimately lead to a negative relationship with food and a lack of motivation to stick to the diet. HOW CAN WE BALANCE OUR EATING? Instead of cheat meals, it's important to adopt a mindset that promotes a healthy, balanced relationship with food and eating. This means focusing on eating in a way that nourishes your body, provides energy, and supports overall health and wellness, without restrictions or guilt. If you are tracking your food intake and monitoring your calories, it is natural to have some days where you consume more calories than others, and that's okay. The key is to find balance and not become too strict or too loose with your eating habits. One of the reasons people might feel the need to cheat on their diet is because the whole thing has become too restrictive. When we put too much pressure and stress on ourselves, it can be difficult to maintain a positive relationship with food and dieting. This is why it's important to choose a diet plan that promotes a healthy, balanced relationship with food and eating, without restrictions or guilt. HOW CAN WE MANAGE OUR EATING AT SPECIAL EVENTS? It's also important to remember that life is about balance and enjoying yourself. If you have a family event, a birthday or a wedding, for example, it's okay to indulge in more food or drinks, as long as you don't completely lose track of your goals. It's all about finding the balance and being conscious of your choices, even when you are indulging in a bit more. The key to success in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is staying in the game and keeping yourself engaged over the long-term. If you're feeling the need to cheat on your diet, it might be a sign that your approach is not promoting a positive relationship with food, your body, and your overall health. Instead, it's better to find a diet plan that is flexible and allows for some indulgences, while still promoting balance and healthy habits. ARE CHEAT MEALS GOOD OR BAD? Cheat days can be tempting and seem like a good idea, but they can ultimately promote a negative mindset towards food and dieting. It's important to focus on finding a diet plan that promotes a healthy, balanced relationship with food, without restrictions or guilt. This way, you can maintain a positive attitude towards eating, while still enjoying the occasional indulgence. The goal is to find happy balance with your eating and consistency long term to create a healthy and lean lifestyle. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: There are 3 types of exercise training that you can do at varying intensity levels to help you achieve your health and body transformation goals. Today's blog focusses on the 3 types of exercise and the best workout for you, so you can direct your training towards being sustainable long term and deliver the best returns on weight loss, muscle building and increased energy and fitness levels. Our Psychotherapist, Weight Loss Coach and Personal Trainer Jeff Laurence shares his perspective on how to train, based on the success he has had in his own health journey and the learnings he has had over the years helping others become fit and healthy as well. Jeff covers: - 3 benefits of working out for the body - The 3 types of exercise that you can do at varying intensity levels. - The best workout that you can do to reach your fitness and health goals. This video will help you to understand how important it is to exercise with variety and consistency to in order to achieve your body transformation goals. It will also empower you to build a healthy relationship with movement that will benefit you both physically and mentally, helping you to find the energy, health and physique you are looking for. Let's get into it... So broadly there's three key aspects to think about when working on your body. We're 1. building muscle, 2. gaining fitness and 3. losing fat. So when you're building muscle you're actually breaking down the tissue getting micro-tears in the tissue and getting the body to heal that tissue afterwards is actually where you get gains. To build fitness you're getting the heart and lungs pumping and to burn fat it's just about using energy. Depending on how you train and what you do will determine how much muscle is rebuilt and how much fitness is gained and fat is lost. So obviously 1. pure strength and bodybuilding workouts are going to be the ones where you build the most muscle and 2. pure cardio workouts are going to be the ones where you're going to build the most fitness and then you can do 3. functional workouts where you're kind of doing both and this is a good way to sort of upgrade your overall fitness on all of them. Your muscular fitness, your cardio fitness and your fat levels. So the two different ways you would do it is either easy or intense. The more you put into it the more you get out of it. That being true though people can kind of dismiss the value of just doing easy steady state stuff. Everything has its value. For anyone to say 'oh this is the best and this is the way you should do it and everything else sucks' is just being ignorant. The reality is everything has its place, everything has its value depending on you know where you're at with your training but also it all has different training effects as well. I don't think anything should be discounted, I think it's good to be fit and able to do everything. There's no good reason not to and again your body sometimes needs an easier pace and sometimes if you've been going hard it needs to be do some active recovery. It's always appropriate at some point, everything. So this doesn't mean to not try and get results from workout to workout. You should try and get as much as you can out of every workout. But just not to have this this pressure and this need to get results for every single session that it needs to be the best one ever. This kind of thing is setting up a condition for you to run away from. The best workout is... the one that you actually do. And then that begins to create some momentum and then you can carry that momentum through and then start to build even more on top of that. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: If exercise is less important than diet for weight loss, is there any point in working out when trying to lose weight? THE ANSWER IS YES! In today's blogpost we answer the most commonly asked questions on why should you exercise to lose weight so you can finally achieve the weight loss results you are looking for. Even though fat loss is all about calories in calories out, exercise doesn't really burn that many calories - If you've ever done a burpee you'll know that it seems like quite a lot of energy, but it only burns about half a calorie - which means 100 burpees is only worth 50 calories and a banana is 100 calories. This is not so great if you're trying to lose weight so you might be asking "What's the point of exercise if it's so much effort and not much return?" and that's a good question. Today I'm going to go through four reasons that I believe are the main reasons why you want to focus on exercise for weight loss, or fat loss even. Let's get into it... 1. Improves Energy Management There's something about the combination of eating right and exercising. They work together in a way that really empowers the body to be more efficient with using energy and it works on a level that probably no one fully understands but it makes a big difference to be doing them both together well. Let's not get too worried about how many calories that a particular workout actually is burning but let's focus on the fact that combined with good eating it makes a huge difference in energy and stress management that the body faces when under a low caloric intake. 2. Improves Metabolic Function All of your body systems become more healthy and are being used in a way that's firing them up, making your body familiar with how to use them. Reminding your body they need to be efficient. All of your systems like your digestive system, your endocrine system, your cardiovascular system - all these things add to the process of building muscle and losing fat. When these body systems are working well all of your weight loss efforts are going to be empowered. 3. Increases Basal Metabolic Rate The more muscle you have versus fat the higher that your basal metabolic rate is. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is how many calories you burn in a day just by doing nothing, just keeping 'this machine' (aka your body) on burns a certain amount of calories. Your eyes blinking, your heart beating and even digesting food all that requires energy (calories). But muscle is active tissue and it requires energy to be used to activate it whereas fat is lazy it just sits there weighing you down. You can see how the particular workout you've done and how many calories were burned in that workout is secondary in the big picture to things. If you're burning 100 calories more per day for the next year because of have a greater amount of muscle that adds up a lot of extra calories you can enjoy and it may be more than that depending on how much muscle you build and how efficient your systems are based on all the training you've been doing. But this is about improving the metabolic functions and that's again hard to measure but absolutely true and makes a massive difference over time. 4. The Overall Improvement In Wellness And Health The fourth reason I'm going to promote exercise for is actually the improvement in well-being and feeling great that you get from feeling strong and confident and healthy and how much that motivates you to do more in your everyday life. To get out there and play with your kids or get out there with your friends or just genuinely be more motivated to achieve your full potential. All those things are again very hard to measure but over the course of a week, a month, a year how much more calories are you burning as you engage more with life based on the extra wellness that you have that uses more energy yes. This is not a short-term idea - This is based on when you're doing these things consistently how much of a difference that makes in your life and that's much greater than how many calories you burn. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: With all the misleading messages out there on how to lose weight fast and the best fat burning diets, we clear up all the confusion with today's post so you can learn why you're not losing fat and how you can achieve the body transformation you desire. Our Psychotherapist, Weight Loss Coach and Personal Trainer Jeff Laurence shares the 4 fat loss mistakes that he is constantly correcting people on so they are clear on the best way to reduce fat and how to get shredded. Jeff also shares a tried and trusted fat loss tips that will move you to burn fat fast and achieve consistent fat loss results. We'll cover: - The weight difference between fat and muscle and how this affects weight loss outcomes on the scale. - How fast is too fast when losing weight? How to know if fluid or muscle loss is influencing your results. - Explanation of the calorie deficit approach to weight loss and how you can execute a healthy approach to weight loss - Where the Weight Loss industry disguises 'weight loss' with muscle or fluid loss which is detrimental to your healthy weight management efforts and maintaining your fat loss results. Let's get into it! Starting with the 4 main misconceptions of fat loss that I'm always being asked about. 1. How Can I Turn Fat Into Muscle? 2. How Can I Lose Fat In A Certain Area?
Obviously with muscle gain that is a spot specific thing so unlike the fat you can choose where you want to build those muscles depending on what muscle you work out. 3. How Fast Can I Lose Fat? To lose fat it's actually a matter of calories in and calories out So if you consume 2,000 calories a day but you only burn 1,500 then that extra 500 calories are going to go into your fat stores stored away for later. But then if you burn 1500 and you only eat 1,000, then those 500 are going to come from those stores and then every day really when you think about it is a new opportunity to not eat more than you burn. So if you're actually maintaining your hydration levels and you're maintaining your muscle or growing it but you're just losing fat it's gonna happen pretty slowly. You actually can't lose that much fat that fast. There's 7, 700 calories in one kilo of fat. When you look at someone's normal diet the truth is they have to be in roughly a 1,000 calorie deficit every day, or more than that, to lose a kilo in a week. And so anyone who's losing more than a kilo in a week my first assumption is well you've lost muscle or it's some fluid fluctuations because most people are not in a thousand calorie deficit a day. 4. I'm Eating Well And Training Hard - Why Aren't I Losing Weight?
So on that point we're going to be talking next week about how muscle and exercise in general actually works to burn fat so if you want to stay notified about that subscribe and hit the notifications bell so you're the first to know about that. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: If you've stopped training and have been struggling to restart with training and getting back into a workout routine then today's blog is exactly what you need to hear - the secret to getting back on track with your training. Start exercising again with 1 simple, foolproof strategy that will help you build a training routine that you can stick to, one that you won't want to quit. 'Falling off the wagon' is simply an opportunity to reconfigure your training program to include much more engagement and fun to prevent you from relapsing again and ultimately helping you to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. Today's blog covers: - How to look at 'falling off the wagon' with training in a positive way (growth mindset) and how to build your own workout motivation - The importance of not putting too much internal pressure on your workout routine as this will make it difficult, uninspiring and likely to cause exercise burnout - One simple strategy to rebuild your workout routine in an engaging, fun and rewarding way that you won't get tired or bored with. He takes the negative pressure off your training and empowers you to build your own interest and ability in achieving results that you can keep. This MUST WATCH video (and blog) will help you to finally build a workout routine that you can stick to, which will improve your health, increase your fitness and help you to achieve your body transformation RESULTS that you can maintain. Let's get into it. You can't get a positive result with negative energy Putting too much pressure on what you're doing, it just kills it. You're trying to achieve something amazing for yourself, you're trying to improve your life BUT you're just dragging your arse through the whole thing. You're not going to keep that up. To make sure that this process happens the solution here is to experiment and play with the process. Just slow down and choose something that's appropriate for where you are now and what I mean by that is to have something that's not creating any tension inside of you. Don't put yourself under too much tension I was working with a lady recently, and I was talking about this idea of choosing something that doesn't cause any tension inside of you, no matter how little that is. And I said to her okay what about 10 push-ups once a week? It seems a bit silly but at the end of the day for someone to say I don't have time to do that we all know they're taking the piss, everyone's got time for 10 push-ups once a week. So that causes no tension. Will I be able to keep it up? Yes you can keep that up. So she wanted to do something every day and I said okay so 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 sit-ups every day that's it. That's it. Does that cause any tension inside of you? And she said no, no I have no trouble with the idea of doing that. But then asks is it effective enough? Well, what does effective mean? We're saying it's effective to to be able to start to get some momentum that's effective , so damn the results that you may or may not get. This is not about that yet, it's about starting to build a routine and build an identity and belief in the fact that you can do it. And then I said to her okay what about 20 reps, do you think that you could keep that up? And she was like no that causes tension and even she even said like it sounds silly but it does, I don't feel right about that and I was like sweet. All good. That's where you need to start now. And you know what, by the end of that the week by the end of the fortnight she's going to still be doing it. She's not gonna do that for six months and just be like yup this is all I can do. When you've been doing it for long enough you're ready to do more. And when you're ready to do more, do more. If you're not ready don't worry there's no rush and that's what we do we play with it. Where is your point of tension? Where can you start? So now, ask yourself - What am I ready to do? Try something and stick with it. Later on, you can add more on and then you can try something else and you add it on and then you just go with what feels right to you at the time. This is the best way to build a long term exercise plan that you can stick to. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: Sticking to a diet is a mental battlefield. In today's post we're going to talk about how NOT to screw up your diet or your training or any other aspect of the weight loss journey. I will take you through one simple mindset strategy for weight loss success so you can overcome the mental obstacles and consistently make the right decisions to give you the weight loss results you are looking for. Our Psychotherapist, Weight Loss Coach and Personal Trainer Jeff Laurence shares insights on the TRAPS our mind creates to throw us off our diet with solutions and tips on what to watch out for so we can overcome these diet obstacles, stick to the diet and finally talk ourselves into successfully losing weight. We'll cover: - Common distortions of the mind that derail our diet efforts and screw up your diet success - A simple solution to overcoming the traps that your mind creates so you can stop screwing up your diet and start winning the weight loss game - 3 commonly distorted behaviours that you need to know so you can be powerfully prepared to stay on track with your diet and get the weight loss results you deserve Let's get into it: You give yourself that permission to ease up a little, to do only that little bit less. I'd be okay with a little bit less results, I'm doing so well right now. Give it an inch and then it takes a mile. What I want to do is give you one simple solution and then go through three key things that are commonly distorted but if understood properly they can be utilized as powerful tools to keep us on track. introducing the traps of the mindTo get the gratification of the problem behavior the mind finds a way to make it okay. This happens a lot with training and eating as well, where it's just like there's a high element of self-deception. It's always framed in a way that's like 'you deserve this' and 'there's a program out there that's the perfect program that's going to inspire me and keep me going and keep me getting results' and then we keep searching for that one program and as soon as it gets a little bit hard 'oh well the program must be wrong' or the other one is 'it shouldn't be so hard'. Look why shouldn't it be that hard? We're living in fantasyland here if you can just eat chocolate and you should be allowed to. But ultimately that is all just distortion. The challenge is what it is. The amount of work and the difficulty of it is what it is and letting yourself be victimized by any of that stuff is just fighting reality and it just doesn't lead to consistency it doesn't lead to staying engaged with it. Every time you sort of flick back and start trying to justify why you're not doing something, cut that out that's not helping. Because it is what it is and we're just gonna just get to work. How to overcome the distortionsSo this is the solution here is to accept the challenge and see it as a journey where we're learning and growing and applying ourselves and seeing things accurately so that we don't buy into the distortions. And understand where they are and where you're gonna typically find yourself lying to yourself. If we know what those challenges are, if we know what those distortions are and we know we can say 'I'm not going to buy into that one'. You know that they're going to come up when you see it coming then it doesn't have the same power because you don't buy into it it's like 'yeah okay I know that one, I know that little trick'. You know when you get tired you start saying 'oh it's okay you deserve it'. Wanting some comfort food. You see it coming from a mile away and you say 'don't try and give me that one again I know that is not where I'm heading that's not where I want to go'. This is difficult to the degree that you buy into the BS it really is. It only has the power that you give it, really it only has that. And the more that you think 'yeah I think I do believe that, I think I do deserve it', it's like then you're giving your power away. You're making it harder. Look enjoying eating too much from time to time is not a sin but that's enough, don't justify it, because then you're giving it power. three commonly distorted derailmentsSo now we're going to go through the three commonly distorted things that throw us off track. 1. Change your relationship with the scale. That one is important. I know there are some programs out there that say don't look at the scale and it messes with your mind, it's a horrible thing and just look away from it. But I think it's not about running away from these things, I mean most of the time when someone says to me that they've come in to want to make a change - what was the turning point? A lot of the time it's that they looked at the scale and thought 'oh I really have to change'. That was the trigger. It has a lot of power. There's something that's really really positively powerful in how it can be, to just go don't look at it, don't look at it. It's not about not looking at these things it's about looking at them right, looking at them in a way that helps you know. I'm saying look at it and go and then make a big drama about what it is. Just look at it and say 'yeah that is it, it is what it is. What is it telling me? What do I need to shift here?' It's feedback. Changing the way you think about it not not thinking about it that's never a good idea. We can't change something if you're not thinking about it, you're not paying attention to it. And there's a lot more I could say about how to do that and I'll go into that in a separate video but that's very important to do that. 2. Changing your relationship with your goals I think the word goal sets up kind of a pass fail thing, it has a little bit of pressure attached to it. Instead I like to think of them as directions and intentions. This is where I'm heading, this is where I'm going, this is what I want to create in my life. There's no timeline on this, there's no deadline. And you can say I'd like to achieve this around this sort of time because there's no pressure you don't have to do it by any particular point. When there's pressure these distortions start to come in. Start to mess with them because we don't like to have pressure on us to 'oh you must do this by this point'. We want to run away from that stuff, so don't create an environment that you want to run away from and distort. That's no good. 3. Being aware of the motivational dip There's been books written about this by Seth Godin and it is a very powerful piece to understand this thing called the motivational dip. At the beginning of anything there's a lot of motivation there, there's a lot of energy. Yes I'm making this change and it's happening and then that's when it sort of leads to this all or nothing approach which you know in and of itself is a distortion and leads to just being burnt out by the whole process and that you want to run away from. The important thing to understand with the dip is that after that initial phase there is, no one gets out of it, it happens within sort of the first three months usually but it could be more could be less but the point is at some point YOUR MOTIVATION will go down. It's not a matter of whether hopefully it won't and if I get enough results then it'll just keep going. No it won't there will be a dip right. And then in that dip - how you pull yourself out of that? -> that is everything. And then the thing is this doesn't just happen once, this happens consistently. Consistently you will fall off the motivational peak. You have to be conscious enough to know that that will happen and when it happens how do you pull yourself out of it? You've got to be prepared for that and that whenever you hit a dip action plan out of the dip. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: Trying to overcome workout excuses that make us skip our workouts affects us all. Whether you are an Athlete, Gym Enthusiast or total Fitness Beginner, the chaos of life will give you plenty of reasons why to miss your workout and give up on training. Today we're here to talk about how to stop making excuses for working out and we delve into 3 strategies on how to stop making excuses to miss your workouts so you stop skipping training sessions and you get the weight loss and body transformation results you deserve. Let's get straight into it: 1. Stop Blaming External Circumstances There are always things going on in life. There is always some party coming up, the kids are sick or work is busy. Always that kind of thing going on. We've all got little time, everyone's busy, everyone's got it hard - so having that be the reason why we don't do anything means you'll never do anything. The reality is there's always things in life that you can change some things you can't, but the truth is there's a lot more that you can change than we typically think. I think we were sort of taught in this culture that you know if the outside world would only be a certain way then I could get things going on. But the truth is the world is as it is and it's not going to change anytime soon. Life is becoming more and more chaotic as we go on so we're going to have to learn to rise to that occasion and handle the chaos, the external circumstances that are going to change and they'll probably worse at some point compared to whatever they are now. What are you going to do just quit? No we can't do that, that's not going to get you long-term results and letting go of your health goals and everything that's making you feel fit, strong and confident is not going to help you show up better in those circumstances. You can always just take on a new perspective and just start moving forward. That's a big part of what we're going to get into throughout our journey here on this channel and anything else we've got how to take control of the things that we can in our lives very empowering process. 2. Keep The Momentum Going Sometimes you're just not going to want to do it. It's going to be hard and the last thing you want to do but you do it anyway, and that doesn't mean flog yourself and destroy yourself and you have to do it so hard all the time, it just means you do something. You have the power to make some change somewhere, absolutely. Even if it's the tiniest little bit. A key solution that I've found makes a big difference is to choose something have sort of what they call a 'Minimum Effective Dose'. Something that you're going to be able to do even under high stress situations. And as we take control of one tiny little thing it starts to grow and we can nurture that change in behaviour and grow it. Then you're actually getting the results you want and this is how it can really last. 3. The Harder It Is The More You Get Out Of It They say that sometimes the workout that you don't want to do is the most important one because it builds your discipline and commitment. It's just something that happens on the inside. When you do it even when you don't want to the commitment becomes stronger. Everyone seems pretty comfortable with the idea that the harder you work out the more you get out of it - you've got the Olympic athletes and bodybuilders - the harder the workout is, the bigger, stronger and fitter they get. That's what's like on the inside too. The internal struggles that we go through, the harder it is the more you get out of it. And I think as long as you are connected to that then the suffering has a purpose and it has something that is inspiring in it even though it sucks and sometimes it does. Think to yourself: "It's making me stronger I was feeling weak and down but I'm doing it anyway" and then you come out the other end of that with a sense of confidence and pride. The more pride that you have for how hard you worked to get through it and how you did it even though you didn't want to really empowers the process. Really a key to be consistent is to do it even when you don't want to do it because then you've got that commitment and that discipline growing. The harder that it was for you to do, the easier it's going to be for you to do next time because you know last time that sucked but ... now this is easy. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: If you struggle to find motivation for training and ask yourself 'why can't I stay consistent with working out?' then this blog post is for you. I want to start this blog post with a quote that really sums up my philosophy in the whole approach to achieving body transformations that last. Focus on the inner game and the outer game takes care of itself. I first come across this idea when I was wanting to get into a relationship actually. When I lost the weight I didn't gain the self-esteem and everything that I needed to be out there and be more appealing, talking to girls and building that part of my life. And there was all these things about techniques and the pickup lines and the fashion and how to sound better and come across better and doing all these things, but it seemed like a lot of work to pretend to be that way and this is what you might call outer game. All the techniques and tricks and things that you could do. Working on the inner game building self-confidence and building a better relationship with yourself and ability to connect with others and doing all these sorts of things is working on the inner game. And then when the inner game is good when those things are there you just naturally connect with people more, you naturally want to be in a relationship in a better way that's not just serving yourself it's serving you know the both of you, and you just become a more attractive person. Once the inner game is sorted out all the actions just fall in line and even though it seemed like a lot maybe more work to some degree to work on the inner game, I couldn't just do the quick tricks and get what I wanted. You had to go in and do the hard work but ultimately in the long run if we're just pretending and not representing myself truly as I am in the world then that's ultimately a lot more work. It would be easier really even to just do the inner work and then what happens on the outside it just happens and I don't have to worry about it. And this is kind of the essence of what is the way to make it last. In regards to fitness and body transformations this idea I think really holds well in that these days, people are just saying let's do this trick, or technique or let's do this hack and then you start trying to focus so much on 'oh am I doing the right technique?' 'am I having the right diet?' 'am I doing exactly the right thing?' and worrying about all these sort of outer game things and trying to track all the pieces it's very exhausting. So if we do the inner work we align ourselves with health and wanting to be stronger and fitter and we really really want that, our values are in align with that in terms of discipline and motivation and all that stuff when you work on those things the outer game just takes care of itself. You're going to naturally be drawn to be doing more of these many things and spending more time building those aspects of yourself because you're aligned with that. So it's when it's in you it's part of you it's who you are now and this is how it can really last and I think you can really if you just have a think about it you know yeah what it just naturally exudes out of you it's you have to fight yourself not to do it and that would be cool and it is cool. So I think you absolutely by getting into this material and really getting into the process and all the different ideas we're going to go through I think that that can definitely be your reality as well. So if you'd like a more personalized experience of that coaching process where we get you connected to your reasons and really get motivated I do the coaching services and you know we can go through down the road of fitness and weight loss and body transformations. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: You can have the best diets in the world or the best training program, but if you're not you're not in it mentally you just you're not going to do any of it. What I've come to learn as a Personal Trainer & Weight Loss Coach is that the most powerful element of the whole weight loss game is your Mindset. If we can't get this right it's not going to work. What we're here to do on this blog is learn about the process of change and what we're talking about here is the long game. Any program you do in the first six to twelve weeks you're gonna lose weight, it doesn't matter what it is, but that's not the problem. The problem is after that. What happens after that? We typically lose motivations, results slow down, the inherent chaos of life comes in and throws us off. 'You can have the best diets in the world or the best training program, but if you're not you're not in it mentally you just you're not going to do any of it.' This is what is the most important thing to be focused on: How can we keep ourselves together and stay in the weight loss game? This is what it's all about. How do we see the road ahead knowing the things that are going to be obstacles? If we know what they are then they don't have the power over us. When the distortions of the mind come in and start justifying why it's okay to not train, why it's okay to eat those bad foods. You can see them coming, you don't get hooked by them, you don't get hoodwinked by them, you get to have power to say no I'm going to stay in the game I'm going to get results for myself, I'm going to change my life. So that's where the focus of our work is going to be. Whatever weight loss efforts you're doing, keep doing it. Do more of it. Do something else. We can give some tips and hints here as well in the physical space but in the mental space I think is where most of this industry isn't paying enough attention to and that's why everyone's in this cycle of looking for the magic program, the one that would be so wonderful and get results so consistently that it'll be so inspiring and I'll keep doing it forever. You know I haven't seen one of those before. The truth is, losing weight is a process it's not one simple straight answer. If we can stay in the game this thing is much more effective and much more enjoyable. And it's not just your health that improves, it's not just your weight and your looks that improve, it's everything in your life that improves. That's what I've seen in my practice as well. I've actually become a Psychotherapist and use Hypnosis to help people get past their barriers, get past their blocks and be able to move forward powerfully in changing their lives, changing their health and making big differences that last, because who cares about the next six weeks, twelve weeks - we want your weight loss to last. If that sounds interesting to you and like that might help in the journey then subscribe and come along for the ride. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: People are making changes, some people are, some people aren't. So what's making the difference? Using Hypnosis Jeff has helped many people make those significant changes in their life. Over the last few years in our Hypnotherapy clinic we get asked these Top 5 Questions about Hypnosis treatments on repeat, so thought we would blog about to let you know the answers and help you make an informed decision if you thinking about trying it. top 5 FAQ about Hypnosis treatments answered1. What Does Hypnotherapy Do?Have you ever found yourself wanting to do a certain thing and then doing another? Consciously you think you know that you shouldn't do this but then you go ahead and do it anyway. So there are these different parts of you that want different things. What could be called a disconnection between unconscious and conscious parts of you. This is where Hypnosis comes in. Hypnotherapy is used to get more communication and integration between the conscious and unconscious parts within you. 2. What is the difference between Therapy and Hypnotherapy?At the beginning of your Hypnotherapy session we make a clear intention and become clear on to what is it that you want to get out of your session. What is it that's going to make a difference in your life going forward? Having an outcome that we're focused on achieving. Whereas in regular therapy you might go in and enter the problem and talk about how it might work and not really get to a specific outcome at the end. But with Hypnotherapy we've got a goal that we're working towards and then we go to work on making sure we get a result by the end of the session. 3. Why do we struggle with change?There's been a lot of times where people had these big "AHA"s and learn a lot about the way that they think a certain problem is interacting for them and why they might be doing it but then go out and then they are still having the same feelings and having the same habits show up. This is because the desired change hasn't dropped into their unconscious. Making changes at an unconscious level is what I found has been missing key and that's what having the tool of hypnosis has been able to allow me to do is help a lot more people make more significant changes. 4. What happens in a Hypnotherapy session?To begin with we're going to give as much to the conscious mind that is valuable to do so. We unpack the problem, we understand the dynamics of how it works and then loosen off the power it has over us. Then we get into creating the new behaviours and that's where we'll actually sit down and get into a proper trance. A trance is opens up the channels of the unconscious mind and embeds the change deep within. Throughout the trance you are connected to the change you desire to make and your power to create the change in your own life. 5. What can you expect from a hypnotherapy session?So we're getting the unconscious and the conscious mind to have a conversation, have a connection. You're going to walk away knowing that the change has taken place and how that took place. Then your unconscious mind, having made those shifts and moved in a way that's going to serve you, be generative and cascade into all the other areas of your life. If you think that sounds good and you're willing to get in there and dig into the problem and unpack it and reprogram it and get connected to your power to make changes in your life then Hypnotherapy is going to be a great experience for you. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Hypnotherapy especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Clinical Hypnotherapy Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: |
AuthorHi, my name is Jeff Laurence and I am a Therapist, Coach & Trainer who specialises in Weight Loss. Categories |