If exercise is less important than diet for weight loss, is there any point in working out when trying to lose weight? THE ANSWER IS YES! In today's blogpost we answer the most commonly asked questions on why should you exercise to lose weight so you can finally achieve the weight loss results you are looking for. Even though fat loss is all about calories in calories out, exercise doesn't really burn that many calories - If you've ever done a burpee you'll know that it seems like quite a lot of energy, but it only burns about half a calorie - which means 100 burpees is only worth 50 calories and a banana is 100 calories. This is not so great if you're trying to lose weight so you might be asking "What's the point of exercise if it's so much effort and not much return?" and that's a good question. Today I'm going to go through four reasons that I believe are the main reasons why you want to focus on exercise for weight loss, or fat loss even. Let's get into it... 1. Improves Energy Management There's something about the combination of eating right and exercising. They work together in a way that really empowers the body to be more efficient with using energy and it works on a level that probably no one fully understands but it makes a big difference to be doing them both together well. Let's not get too worried about how many calories that a particular workout actually is burning but let's focus on the fact that combined with good eating it makes a huge difference in energy and stress management that the body faces when under a low caloric intake. 2. Improves Metabolic Function All of your body systems become more healthy and are being used in a way that's firing them up, making your body familiar with how to use them. Reminding your body they need to be efficient. All of your systems like your digestive system, your endocrine system, your cardiovascular system - all these things add to the process of building muscle and losing fat. When these body systems are working well all of your weight loss efforts are going to be empowered. 3. Increases Basal Metabolic Rate The more muscle you have versus fat the higher that your basal metabolic rate is. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is how many calories you burn in a day just by doing nothing, just keeping 'this machine' (aka your body) on burns a certain amount of calories. Your eyes blinking, your heart beating and even digesting food all that requires energy (calories). But muscle is active tissue and it requires energy to be used to activate it whereas fat is lazy it just sits there weighing you down. You can see how the particular workout you've done and how many calories were burned in that workout is secondary in the big picture to things. If you're burning 100 calories more per day for the next year because of have a greater amount of muscle that adds up a lot of extra calories you can enjoy and it may be more than that depending on how much muscle you build and how efficient your systems are based on all the training you've been doing. But this is about improving the metabolic functions and that's again hard to measure but absolutely true and makes a massive difference over time. 4. The Overall Improvement In Wellness And Health The fourth reason I'm going to promote exercise for is actually the improvement in well-being and feeling great that you get from feeling strong and confident and healthy and how much that motivates you to do more in your everyday life. To get out there and play with your kids or get out there with your friends or just genuinely be more motivated to achieve your full potential. All those things are again very hard to measure but over the course of a week, a month, a year how much more calories are you burning as you engage more with life based on the extra wellness that you have that uses more energy yes. This is not a short-term idea - This is based on when you're doing these things consistently how much of a difference that makes in your life and that's much greater than how many calories you burn. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: With all the misleading messages out there on how to lose weight fast and the best fat burning diets, we clear up all the confusion with today's post so you can learn why you're not losing fat and how you can achieve the body transformation you desire. Our Psychotherapist, Weight Loss Coach and Personal Trainer Jeff Laurence shares the 4 fat loss mistakes that he is constantly correcting people on so they are clear on the best way to reduce fat and how to get shredded. Jeff also shares a tried and trusted fat loss tips that will move you to burn fat fast and achieve consistent fat loss results. We'll cover: - The weight difference between fat and muscle and how this affects weight loss outcomes on the scale. - How fast is too fast when losing weight? How to know if fluid or muscle loss is influencing your results. - Explanation of the calorie deficit approach to weight loss and how you can execute a healthy approach to weight loss - Where the Weight Loss industry disguises 'weight loss' with muscle or fluid loss which is detrimental to your healthy weight management efforts and maintaining your fat loss results. Let's get into it! Starting with the 4 main misconceptions of fat loss that I'm always being asked about. 1. How Can I Turn Fat Into Muscle? 2. How Can I Lose Fat In A Certain Area?
Obviously with muscle gain that is a spot specific thing so unlike the fat you can choose where you want to build those muscles depending on what muscle you work out. 3. How Fast Can I Lose Fat? To lose fat it's actually a matter of calories in and calories out So if you consume 2,000 calories a day but you only burn 1,500 then that extra 500 calories are going to go into your fat stores stored away for later. But then if you burn 1500 and you only eat 1,000, then those 500 are going to come from those stores and then every day really when you think about it is a new opportunity to not eat more than you burn. So if you're actually maintaining your hydration levels and you're maintaining your muscle or growing it but you're just losing fat it's gonna happen pretty slowly. You actually can't lose that much fat that fast. There's 7, 700 calories in one kilo of fat. When you look at someone's normal diet the truth is they have to be in roughly a 1,000 calorie deficit every day, or more than that, to lose a kilo in a week. And so anyone who's losing more than a kilo in a week my first assumption is well you've lost muscle or it's some fluid fluctuations because most people are not in a thousand calorie deficit a day. 4. I'm Eating Well And Training Hard - Why Aren't I Losing Weight?
So on that point we're going to be talking next week about how muscle and exercise in general actually works to burn fat so if you want to stay notified about that subscribe and hit the notifications bell so you're the first to know about that. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: You can have the best diets in the world or the best training program, but if you're not you're not in it mentally you just you're not going to do any of it. What I've come to learn as a Personal Trainer & Weight Loss Coach is that the most powerful element of the whole weight loss game is your Mindset. If we can't get this right it's not going to work. What we're here to do on this blog is learn about the process of change and what we're talking about here is the long game. Any program you do in the first six to twelve weeks you're gonna lose weight, it doesn't matter what it is, but that's not the problem. The problem is after that. What happens after that? We typically lose motivations, results slow down, the inherent chaos of life comes in and throws us off. 'You can have the best diets in the world or the best training program, but if you're not you're not in it mentally you just you're not going to do any of it.' This is what is the most important thing to be focused on: How can we keep ourselves together and stay in the weight loss game? This is what it's all about. How do we see the road ahead knowing the things that are going to be obstacles? If we know what they are then they don't have the power over us. When the distortions of the mind come in and start justifying why it's okay to not train, why it's okay to eat those bad foods. You can see them coming, you don't get hooked by them, you don't get hoodwinked by them, you get to have power to say no I'm going to stay in the game I'm going to get results for myself, I'm going to change my life. So that's where the focus of our work is going to be. Whatever weight loss efforts you're doing, keep doing it. Do more of it. Do something else. We can give some tips and hints here as well in the physical space but in the mental space I think is where most of this industry isn't paying enough attention to and that's why everyone's in this cycle of looking for the magic program, the one that would be so wonderful and get results so consistently that it'll be so inspiring and I'll keep doing it forever. You know I haven't seen one of those before. The truth is, losing weight is a process it's not one simple straight answer. If we can stay in the game this thing is much more effective and much more enjoyable. And it's not just your health that improves, it's not just your weight and your looks that improve, it's everything in your life that improves. That's what I've seen in my practice as well. I've actually become a Psychotherapist and use Hypnosis to help people get past their barriers, get past their blocks and be able to move forward powerfully in changing their lives, changing their health and making big differences that last, because who cares about the next six weeks, twelve weeks - we want your weight loss to last. If that sounds interesting to you and like that might help in the journey then subscribe and come along for the ride. Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation. Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by:
Ever wondered if Weight Loss Coaching could help you lose weight for good?
Weight Loss Coach Jeff Laurence explains how people can find value in working with a Weight Loss Health expert to help them navigate the physical, mental and emotional challenges one inevitably faces on the journey to lose weight and keep it off for good. "I've been asked before what is Weight Loss Coaching? How is that different from other ways of going about losing weight? And what I say to those people is these three key reasons that coaching delivers success to people who have tried the diets, the 6 week challenges and 'I'll start on Monday' approach but have not had any success and know that there has got to be a better way... 1. FIND A MENTOR
If you ever want to achieve something really significant in life you go out and you find a mentor or a coach to help you achieve your goals.
Having someone who knows the way, who knows how to be able to navigate the challenges that inevitably come up and how to mentally, emotionally, physically address all these things. That is going to always be a valuable tool and anyone else I've worked with will probably tell you the same.
The first thing we do in a Weight Loss Coaching session is to get you really associated with the reasons why you want this.
We also look at what you're going to lose from it.
And the reasons are unique for everyone but that's the thing we get there and we really dig into what it is that is gonna be the most empowering reasons for you to stay with the goal of losing weight. Without remembering this leads to constant temptation and falling off the wagon. If you are not constantly reminding yourself of why you are doing this, you will soon forget at the most pivotal parts of your journey. PLAY THE LONG GAME
The thing that's most important to recognize and to deal with is the mental game because we're thinking about the long term here not just short term. The results you get in the next 6 weeks are not anywhere near as important as the results you're going to get over the next 10 years. And this is what a Weight Loss Coach will help you refocus your attention on.
A lot of our lives are just these habitual routines but once we start to turn off the autopilot in our minds and put our hands on the steering wheel we can start to make all kinds of changes and this approach is the only thing that's going to create these changes that last a lifetime. "
So if you agree that weight loss starts in your mind, you will realise that Weight Loss Coaching has real merit in shifting your behaviour and helping you to achieve real weight loss results.
Be inspired by Jeff's understanding, passion and experience of Weight Loss especially in areas of the human mindset, changing behaviour and building motivation.
Find out more about Private Weight Loss Coaching Sessions with Jeff here. Keep up to date with our latest content on Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Coaching by: |
AuthorHi, my name is Jeff Laurence and I am a Therapist, Coach & Trainer who specialises in Weight Loss. Categories |